Editor’s Note: This is the original pitch by wunderkind producer Kofi Hsu for the controversial reality television series "Boomer Bust," which broke streaming records before its abrupt cancellation during its second season. A television bible pitch, containing a logline, one-sheet, and proposal for further seasons, is the standard first step to getting a show greenlight in Hollywood. The pitch was leaked amid several civil suits and a Department of Justice investigation of Hsu and his production company, NO’Kay Boomer.
TITLE: Boomer Bust
GENRE: Reality Competition
LOGLINE: Ten baby boomers think they’re competing for fame and fortune in the “Boom or Bust Challenge” by living in the House of the Future. But the future their generation ensured is fucked -- and the fuckers are getting an early taste of the world they’re leaving behind for the rest of us.
Cameras capture every entitled complaint, microaggression, and tantrum as a diverse cast of deplorables tries to be the last senior citizen standing -- surrogates in the future that no one in their generation will actually live long enough to see.
Part guilty pleasure, part public service, Boomer Bust will be the closest thing to reparations television can provide. Our competitors won’t know they’re moving into a “Penance Palace.” They’ll just know they have to outlast their peers residing in a climate-controlled “House of the Future” on an island near Cuba.
That’s the truth.
On day one, we’ll dress our retirement-age residents in goofy-ass spacesuits and march them into the “Boom or Bust” compound, as if they’ve time-traveled to 2070. The climate will indeed be controlled so that the average temperature starts at 80 degrees and increases by two digits every day.
The beautiful glass-walled residence offers dazzling views of the ocean, but won’t provide much shade from the tropical sun. No tall trees or fruit-bearing vegetation -- those will be pruned to give our boomers an early look at the desertification their great-great-grandkids get to inherit. The boomers aren’t allowed outside to admire the surf and sand without wearing their spacesuits.
At the center of our heat-domed hostel is a kitchen where the oven is always on and an adjoining “Free Love” room is filled with condoms, empty Viagra bottles, and an air mattress. There’s one bathroom and a single bedroom outfitted with three beds. The ten roommates—BOOMATES—can argue amongst themselves to determine sleeping arrangements.
The only toilet in the house is gold. It’s deep, like a portapotty, and does not flush. The shower DOES have hot running water, but the bathroom has no windows or ventilation. We will only provide simple soap—antibacterial and sanitizing agents will be mostly useless against superbugs of the future anyway.
Diminishing returns on land and sea point to mass extinctions, so there will be limited access to canned vegetables and no meat from mammals or fish in the Boomer Bust House. Pests are the protein of the future so the boomers will have unlimited access to cicadas they can roast with salt and hot sauce.
As a special treat, our boomates will be offered a sporadic meal prepared by a chef influencer we’ve plucked from social media. It’ll be a culinary dish native to one of the many countries that Europeans either colonized or occupied. The chef will NOT adjust the spice level of these cuisines of conflict.
In terms of water, we can’t make our guests swallow lead and forever chemicals like PFAS (beyond what the EPA already allows). HOWEVER, we can add large sparkling plastic chips to the tap, evoking the microplastics that are now so pervasive. We’ll fortify it with salt rocks, in line with the coming deluge from sea level rise.
Boomates can run tap water through a custom kitchen device that filters out the plastic and salt; when in use, it plays Phish songs at 80 decibels and takes about an hour to “clean” a liter of room temperature water. There is no ice.
Each day the house will evolve to better simulate the future. On every odd day, confetti and other bits of plastic will randomly sprinkle from the ceilings. Acid rain would be too obvious—and obviously illegal.
On every even-numbered day, our production team will ignite controlled bonfires of organic material outside the house. Maybe the boomers will find the smoke blanketing the compound and the sound of wood crackling soothing at bedtime.
There are large trash bins, but no garbage disposal or collection. The boomates can work together to come up with a way to mitigate trash. Or not.
Flashing lights on the doomsday clocks that hang on every wall and accompanying air raid sirens will summon the boomates to gather in the bunker whenever we need to introduce more drama. We’ll communicate with the residents through a massive video screen on the wall of the fallout-styled room, but otherwise, the television monitor only shows C-SPAN or can connect to major social media websites.
If the boomates can actually figure out how to navigate the internet, they can use “Boom or Bust” branded accounts to interact with the outside world and earn “Net Positive'' relief points by recreating viral dance challenges. The relief points can be used to trigger a momentary cool breeze or refreshing freshwater rain in the compound.
There will be at least ten loaded paintball guns scattered throughout the house. An additional gun will be a loaded assault rifle.
Contestants are free to self-evict from the “House of the Future” at any time. If more than one person remains beyond thirty days, we will have them write and perform an interpretive dance about meritocracy to determine the winner. The last boomer inside the house wins a million dollars -- and everyone gets a participation trophy!
The fine print of our contract will reserve the right to divide the million-dollar prize by how much the inflation rate has ballooned since the winner’s birth year. If the winner was born in 1950, they’d get about $80k.
Occasionally we will dispatch an on-camera host to lead different challenges, adjudicate, and communicate with our boomers via the bunker’s video wall. The host will be Gen Z or younger, preferably female-presenting or nonbinary, and from an American Indian Nation.
While the Penance Palace has been designed with precise technology to take our boomers (and viewers) into the future, it’s really the personalities of each individual that will make the “Boom or Bust Challenge” combustible.
We’ll select our initial roster of ten boomers from an open casting call for contestants born before 1964. Of course #NotAllBoomers… so we’ll specifically choose boomates that fall into any of the rough archetypes below.
-A man who married a woman more than 25 years his junior.
-A vegetarian who brags about attending Woodstock. The more smug, the better.
-A former pageant or stage mom.
-A retired police chief. Or maybe a high-ranking military veteran -- as long as they don’t seem too sympathetic. Definitely NO firefighters.
-An oil and/or pharma exec. Former is fine.
-A card-carrying member of the NRA.
-A frequent flier of private airplanes.
-Someone’s uncle with kids from at least three different women. He claims to be passionate about family values.
-An NFL, NBA, or MLB team owner.
-A hedge fund manager. Bonus points if they profited off the Great Recession.
-A current or former member of the US House of Representatives or Senate.
-Someone who spent more than a decade working in marketing for Big Tobacco.
-A religious figure who publicly backed a peer who has been accused of sex abuse or embezzlement.
-Anyone who traces their ancestry to the Mayflower.
-Immigrants to the US from Asia, Latin America, and/or the Middle East. They won’t have to enter the house until day six.
-A Black grandma. She’ll probably be the first to bail, but not before justifiably putting everyone (including the production team) in their place.
The budget for additional seasons would obviously boom, necessitating more product placement to fund production that ups the ante. We would stream live feeds from inside the house and allow our audience to taunt the boomers in real-time.
Our target audience comes from the descendants of baby boomers, but if Boomer Bust draws an even wider audience, casting a second season could be challenging. We would need to increase the prize amount and solicit disaffected Zoomers to help us identify and convince their spooked grandparents to participate.
As insurance, we’ll put some fine print in the first season’s contracts, so the boomers consent to their image, likeness, and social media presence being AI-generated, in perpetuity, for our whims. So many boomers who are able to retire refuse to cede jobs, security, and power to younger generations, so why shouldn’t our boomates work for Boomer Bust forever?
DL Dawson
DL Dawson is the pen name of an Emmy-winning journalist and television producer living in Brooklyn, NY. His fiction has appeared in BULL and his non-fiction work has appeared on the TODAY Show, BET, and ABC’s Nightline.